COLLOQUIA 2014-2015


University of California, Berkeley
2014-2015 Calendar

Friday, September 5

        Colloquium featuring María José Andrade Suárez
        (Assistant Professor, Sociology, University of A Coruña, Spain)
        Title: The Social Construction of the Image of Rural Spaces-Destinations:
                Theoretical and Methodological Approach
        [read more]

Friday, October 3

        Colloquium featuring Nelson Graburn
        (Professor Emeritus, Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley)
        Title: California Cuisine, or MacCannell in the Kitchen?
        [read more]

Friday, October 24

        Colloquium featuring Jenny Chio
        (Assistant Professor, Anthropology, Emory University)
        FILM SCREENING AND DISCUSSION: 农家乐 Peasant Family Happiness
        [read more]

Monday, November 3

        2015 Conference - Call for Papers Deadline
        Title: Worlds of Desire: The Eroticization of Tourist Sites
        [read more]

Friday, November 7

        Colloquium featuring Laurence Michalak
        Title: Is Tourism Good for Tunisia?
        [read more]

Friday, November 14

        Colloquium featuring Catherine E. Covey
        Title: Identity or "Gold"? Heritage Tourism and Performances
                of Indigeneity in Cusco, Peru
        [read more]

Friday, November 21

        Colloquium featuring Swetha Vijayakumar
        Title: Birth of a Hindu-National Temple:
                Convergence of Religion and Politics at Swaminarayan Akshardham

        ...and Sharhzad Shirvani
        Title: Politics of Space: Inconsistent Histories of Two Mausoleums
        [read more]

Friday, February 13

        Colloquium featuring Shinji Yamashita
        Title: Volunteer Tourism and Public Anthropology:
                In the Aftermath of the 3.11 East Japan Disaster
        [read more]

Friday, February 27

        Colloquium featuring Shelly Steward
        Title: Exploring Portland's Thrift Stores:

                Symbolic Meanings of Consumption and their Implications for Inequality
        [read more]

Friday, March 13

        Colloquium featuring Stephanie Malia Hom
        Title: The Beautiful Country:
                Tourism and the Impossible State of Destination Italy
        [read more]

Friday, April 3

        Colloquium featuring Dean MacCannell
        Title: The Heritage Thing:
                Tourism, Inequality, Democracy
        [read more]

Friday, April 10

        Colloquium featuring Saskia Cousin
        Title: When Vodun Fight Heritage:

                Tourism, Heritage and the Master of Space in Porto-Novo, Benin

        [read more]

Friday, April 17

        Colloquium featuring Gaël Chareyron, Saskia Cousin, and Sebastien Jacquotl
        Title: Tourism and Big Data

        [read more]

Friday, April 24

        Colloquium featuring Øystein Jensen
        Title: Understanding Tourist Experiences – Just for “Tourist Researchers”?
              An Intrusion from a Consumer Culture Theory Approach

        [read more]

Friday, May 1

        Colloquium featuring Bert Gordon
        Title: Tourism and "Heritage":
              The Maginot Line

        [read more]

June 24 - June 26, 2015

        International Conference, University of Geneva, Switzerland
        Title: Worlds of Desire: The Eroticization of Tourist Sites
                La Fabrique des Lieux de Désir: l’érotisation des lieux touristiques
        [read more]

This colloquium series is co-sponsored by the Graduate Assembly and the Townsend Center for the Humanities. For more information about this event, or about our ongoing colloquium series, write to


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