Conference Announcement

The Institute of Advanced Studies and Research on Tourism (IREST),
The University of Geneva, Switzerland,
and the Tourism Studies Working Group (TSWG)
are pleased to announce an international conference

WORLDS OF DESIRE: The Eroticization of Tourist Sites /
LA FABRIQUE DES LIEUX DE DéSIR : l’érotisation des lieux touristiques

24 to 26 June 2015 / 24 au 26 juin 2015

Lieu / Venue:
University of Geneva / Université de Genève

Download Full Conference Program:
[.pdf file]

Web Page:

Conference Topic:
How is a tourist site imagined, produced, and experienced as an erotic site? Since the 1980s, many researchers have linked tourism to sexuality by emphasizing sex tourism, which they define as international travel aimed at purchasing sex services (legally or not). Lying beyond this contested definition, the issue of tourists’ sexuality has remained largely neglected, and the eroticization of destination countries has often been confused with the eroticization of their sex workers.

This colloquium seeks to explore tourists’ imaginaries and erotic practices as they build, transform or engage precise sites. We are not speaking about the essentializing of site eroticism, but about comprehending eroticization processes (geographical, historical, cultural, economic processes, etc.), and identifying their rationales, participants, and outcomes. To us, “eroticization” means the production of desire objects (sexual, amorous, sensual, etc.). At stake in this colloquium is a better understanding of the diverse forms of tourism, which is achieved through the questioning of site eroticization. These eroticized sites include the prime destinations of sexual tourism, but not only.

Registration to the conference is mandatory, whether or not you plan to give a paper. The registration fee is Swiss Francs 100 (ca. Euros 95 or USD 110) until May 25, and Swiss Francs 200 after May 25. (PhD) Students may register for free. / L’inscription à la conférence est obligatoire que vous fassiez une communication ou pas. Les frais d’inscription sont de 100 Francs (environ Euros 95 or USD 110) jusqu’au 25 mai 2015, et de 200 Francs après le 25 mai. Les étudiants/doctorants peuvent s’inscrire gratuitement.

Registration form in English available here.

Formulaire d’inscription en français disponible ici.

Financial support and refund policy:
We are applying for conference grants to refund the travel and accommodation expenses of many participants. Please keep your receipts! / Nous avons sollicité des financements internes et externes pour procéder au remboursement des dépenses de voyage et d’hébergement de la plupart des participants. Veuillez garder les factures et les reçus.

- Prof. Jean-François Staszak, Université de Genève
- Dr. Philippe Forêt, Universität Zürich
- Prof. Nelson H. Graburn, University of California at Berkeley
- Prof. Maria Gravari-Barbas, Université Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne

- Philippe Forêt, Universität Zürich
- Sandrine Billeau Beuze, Université de Genève

Cette conférence s’est tenue grâce au concours de /
This conférence has been made possible thanks to:

- Université de Genève
- Université Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne
- University of California at Berkeley
- Swiss National Science Foundation
- Stiftung Mercator Schweiz
- Fondation Boninchi

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