COLLOQUIA 2004-2005

University of California, Berkeley
2004-2005 Calendar

Friday, October

Open Organizational Meeting. All graduate students, faculty, and post-doctoral researchers involved in the academic study of tourism and travel are welcome.
Location: Townsend Center Seminar Room.
Time: 3PM

Tuesday, October  19
    Marina Crouse (PhD Candidate, Spanish & Portuguese, UC Berkeley)
    Title: "Souvenirs of Hatred: (Re)Creation and Identity in the Midst of Post-Colonial Tourism."
    Location: 5125 Dwinelle Hall.
    Time: 3PM

Wednesday, November 17
    Prof. Paula Mota Santos (Anthropology, Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Portugal)
    Title: "Through the Looking Glass: The Experientiation of Place as Mediated by Photography as Social Practice."
    Location: 141 Giannini Hall.
    Time: 4PM

Friday, November 19
    Research Forum on Contemporary Tourism in China
    Participants: Wang Yu (Duke University), Prof. Zhang Li (UC Davis), Cindy Huang (UC Berkeley) and others.
    Moderator: Prof. Nelson Graburn (UC Berkeley)
    Location: Gifford Room, Kroeber Hall.
    Time: 4:15 PM

Wednesday, December 1
    Melissa Aratani Kwee (President, United Nations Development Fund for Women, Singapore; Visiting Scholar, Rhetoric, UC Berkeley)
    Title: "Tackling Sex Tourism in Southeast Asia: The Case of Batam and Singapore."
    Location: Townsend Center Seminar Room.
    Time: 3PM

Friday, December 3
    Prof. Barbara Spackman (Italian Studies & Comparative Literature, UC Berkeley)
    "Detourism: Orienting Italy in Amalia Nizzoli's Memorie sull'Egitto."
    Location: Townsend Center Seminar Room.
    Time: 3PM

Friday, January 28
    Analiese Richard (PhD Candidate, Anthropology, UC Berkeley)
    Title: "Building Bridges of Love: US-Mexico Solidarity Tours and the Development of Transnational Compadrazgo."
    Location: 6331 Dwinelle Hall.
    Time: 4PM

Friday, February 4
    Lee Gilmore (PhD Candidate, Graduate Theological Union)
    Title: "Desert Pilgrimage: Negotiating Place, Community, Identity, and Commodification at the Burning Man Festival."
    Location: 6331 Dwinelle Hall.
    Time: 4PM

Friday, March 11
    Vida Mia Garcia (PhD Candidate, Modern Thought & Literature, Stanford University)
    Title: "Other(ed) Bodies and Tourism Studies."
    Location: 6331 Dwinelle Hall.
    Time: 3PM

Friday, April 29
    Open Organizational Meeting. Location: Townsend Center Seminar Room. Time: 3PM


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