COLLOQUIA 2011-2012


University of California, Berkeley
20011-2012 Calendar

Note: unless otherwise indicated, all colloquia during the Fall Term will be held in the Gifford Room, 221 Kroeber Hall, at 4pm; Spring Term events will be held in Room 101 of the Archeologoical Research Facility (2251 College Avenue), at 4pm.

Friday, September 16

        Colloquium featuring Nelson Graburn
        (Professor Emeritus, Anthropology, UC Berkeley)
        Title: Continung Research on Tourism: Interdisciplinarity, Anthropology or
               Just Cultural Studies?
        [read more]

Friday, September 23

        Organizational Meeting for Prospective and Continuing Members
        All graduate students, faculty, and post-doctoral researchers involved in the
        academic study of tourism and travel are welcome to attend.

        [read more]

Friday, October 7

        Colloquium featuring Dr. Clare Fischer
        (Graduate Theological Union)
        Title: Another View of Bali? Whose Perspective?
        [read more]

Friday, October 28

        Colloquium featuring Alicia Fuentes Vega
        (PhD Candidate, Complutense University, Madrid.
        "The Sites of Art" Working Group. Ref. HAR 2010-19406)
        Title: Tourism Art and Masquerade in Spain
        [read more]

Friday, November 11

        Colloquium featuring Dr. Jamie Meltzer
        (Assistant Professor, Art and Art History, Stanford)
        Film Screening: La Caminata: A Simulated Border Crossing in Indigenous Tourism

        [read more]

Friday, November 18

        Colloquium featuring Allyson Goldberg
        (MS Candidate, UCB - UCSF Joint Medical Program)
        Title: Exploring the Impacts of Medical Tourism

        [read more]

Friday, December 2

        Colloquium featuring Dr. Carter Hunt
        (Postdoctoral Fellow, Anthropology, Stanford)
        Title: Questions in Authenticity and Tourism

Friday, January 20

        Colloquium featuring Dr. Youngmin Choe
        (Assistant Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures, Univ. Southern California)
        Title:Tourist Distractions: Travel in South Korean Melodrama
        * Please Note Time and Venue Change:
        2pm, 6th Floor Conference Room, 2223 Fulton Street
        Institute for East Asian Studies, UC Berkeley

This event is co-sponsored with the Center for Korean Studies, UC Berkeley

        [read more]

Thursday, January 26

        Colloquium and film screening featuring Dr. Jesse Lerner
        (Professor, Media Studies, Pitzer College)
        Title:Ruins - a 'fake documentary' about modern engagements with Pre-Columbian                 Mesoamerica
        * Please Note Time and Venue Change:
        Room 244, Boalt Hall
        University of California, Berkeley

This event is organized by the Society for Cultural Heritage, Arts, and Law (SCHAL),
        and is co-sponsored by the Tourism Studies Working Group (TSWG),
        The Townsend Center for the Humanities, the Berkeley Center for New Media,
        and the Departments of Anthropology, Film and Media Studies, and History of Art.

        [read more]

Friday, January 27

        Colloquium featuring Paula Mota Santos
        (Department of Behavior and Political Science, Universidade
        Fernando Passoa, Porto Portugal & CAPP, Universidade Técnia
                de Lisboa, Portuga
        Title: Portugal Dos Pequenitos Theme Park: Reflections on the
                Power of the Experimentation of an Imagined Place

        [read more]

Friday, February 3

        One-Day Conference: Current Questions in Authenticity
        * Please Note Time and Venue Change:
        Archeological Research Facility, 2251 College Avenue
        University of California, Berkeley

        This event is organized by the Society for Cultural Heritage, Arts, and Law (SCHAL),
        and is co-sponsored by the Tourism Studies Working Group (TSWG),
        The Townsend Center for the Humanities, the Berkeley Center for New Media,
        and the Departments of Anthropology, Film and Media Studies, and History of Art.

        [read more]

Friday, March 2

        Colloquium featuring Marcela Palomino-Schalscha
        (PhD Candidate, Department of Geography, University of Canterbury,
                Aotearoa New Zealand
        Title: Moving Beyond Neoliberalism and Nature

        [read more]

Friday, March 23

        Colloquium featuring Rachel F. Giraudo
        (Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, CSU Northridge
        Title: San Cultural Tourism and the Indigenous Issue in Botswana

        [read more]

Friday, April 6

        Colloquium featuring Bert Gordon
        (Professor, European History and Chair of the
                Social Sciences Division, Mills College
        Title:The Singular Development of a Tourism Town: Politics, Medicine,
                Society, and Tourism in Vichy.

        [read more]

Friday, April 27

        Colloquium featuring Athinodoros Chronis
        (Assistant Professor, Marketing, California State University, Stanislaus
        Title: From Roman Past to Byzantine Present: Tourism, Museum Artifacts,

                and the Shaping of Contemporary GreekHeritage

        [read more]

Friday, May 4

        Colloquium featuring Sharon Bohn Gmelch
        (Professor, Anthropology,University of San Francisco and Union College
        Title: Taste the Good Life: Wine Tourism in the Napa Valley

        [read more]

This colloquium series is co-sponsored by the Graduate Assembly and the Townsend Center for the Humanities. For more information about this event, or about our ongoing colloquium series, write to


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