COLLOQUIA 2003-2004

University of California, Berkeley
2003-2004 Calendar

September 16
    Open Organizational Meeting
    Location: Gifford Room, Kroeber Hall. Time: 5:30PM

October 10
    Prof. Nelson Graburn (Anthropology, UC Berkeley)
    Title: "Authenticity: A Concept in Search of an Authority."
    Location: Gifford Room, Kroeber Hall. Time: 4PM

October 24
    Stephanie Hom Cary (PhD Candidate, Italian Studies, UC Berkeley)
    Title: "The Sweet Life of Things: Italy, Tourism, and Textual Postmodernism."
    Location: Gifford Room, Kroeber Hall. Time: 4PM

November 14
    Naomi Leite (PhD Candidate, Anthropology, UC Berkeley)
    Title: "Heritage Tourism and Portuguese-Jewish Ethnic Revival."
    Location: Gifford Room, Kroeber Hall. Time: 4PM

December 5
    Dr. Eric Crystal (Group in Asia Studies, UC Berkeley)
    Title: "Tourism in Highland Southeast Asia: Allure of the Tribal and the Primal in the Western Imagination."
    Location: 279 Dwinelle Hall. Time: 4PM

January 30
    Dr. Josephine Moreno (College of Letters and Science, UC Berkeley)
    Title: "Tourism, Textiles, and Tradition: Reflections on the Production of Textiles, and other Handcrafts, for the Global Tourist Market."
    Location: Gifford Room, Kroeber Hall. Time: 4PM

February 13
    Prof. Dean MacCannell (Landscape Architecture, UC Davis)
    Title: "Anthropology for all the Wrong Reasons."
    Location: Gifford Room, Kroeber Hall. Time: 4PM

February 24
    Jennifer Ruth Hosek (PhD Candidate, German, UC Berkeley)
    Title: A Heimat of Solidarity: Germans in Cuba in the 1990s."
    Location: Gifford Room, Kroeber Hall. Time: 4PM

March 11
    Prof. Eileen Walsh (Anthropology, Lawrence University)
    Title: " 'Tasting the Others' and Consuming Modernity: Mosuo Identity in the Daughter's Kingdom - Toward Theorizing Ethnotourism, Authenticity, and Orientalist Desire."
    Location: Gifford Room, Kroeber Hall. Time: 4PM

April 23
    Prof. Sandra Cate (Anthropology, Santa Clara University)
    Title: "Stories of Silk: Cultural Tourism and Competing Capitalisms in Laos."
    Location: Gifford Room, Kroeber Hall. Time: 4PM


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