COLLOQUIA 2015-2016


University of California, Berkeley
2015-2016 Calendar

June 24 - June 26, 2015

        International Conference, University of Geneva, Switzerland
        Title: Worlds of Desire: The Eroticization of Tourist Sites
                La Fabrique des Lieux de Désir: l’érotisation des lieux touristiques
        [read more]

Friday, September 4

       2015-2016 TSWG Organizing Meeting
       [read more]

Friday, September 18

        Colloquium featuring Patrick Naef
        (Postdoctoral Scholar, Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley)
        Title: Tourism and Violence: A Case Study of Medellin, Colombia
        [read more]

Friday, October 9

        Colloquium featuring Stein R. Mathisen
        (Professor of Culture Studies at the Department of Tourism and Northern Studies,
                UiT The Arctic University of Norway)
        Title: Northern Lights, Tourism, and Borealism
        [read more]

Friday, October 23

        Colloquium featuring Shahrzad Shirvani
        (PhD Student, Architecture and Environmental Design, UC Berkeley)
        Title: Spaces of Veiled Freedom: Politics of Gender-Exclusive Parks in Tehran
        [read more]

Friday, November 6

        Colloquium featuring Scott MacLeod
        (Founder, World School and University)
        Title: Naked Harbin and Ethno-Wiki-Virtual-World-Graphy: Sharing a New Digital
                Methodology with Tourism Studies, Science & the Social Sciences
        [read more]

Tuesday, November 24

        Colloquium featuring Yujie Zhu
        (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Australian National University)
        Title: Marrying the Past: In Search of Authenticity in Lijiang
        [read more]

Friday, December 11

        Mini Symposium on Religion, Culture, and Heritage

                in Chinese Domestic Tourism
        Prof. Ming-chun Ku
                (Associate Professor, Sociology, National Tsing Hua University)
        Suo Nan Cuo
                (PhD Candidate, Xiamen University Visiting Scholar, Anthropology, UC Berkeley)
        [read more]

Wednesday, January 27

        Colloquium featuring Rita Ross
        (Associate Director Emerita, Canadian Studies Program)
        Title: From the Forest Primeval to the Spell of the Yukon: Literary Tourism in Canada
        [read more]

Friday, January 29

        [read more]

Friday, February 12

        Colloquium featuring Jackie Feldman
        (Senior Lecturer, Sociology and Anthropology, Ben Gurion University of the Negev)
        Title: Jewish Guide, Christian Pilgrim, Holy Land: Interreligious
                Encounter on the Roads to Zion
        [read more]

Friday, February 26

        Colloquium featuring Achva Stein
        (Professor Emerita, Spitzer School of Architecture, The City College of New York)
        Title: Using the Economic Engine of Tourism to Protect, Enhance
                and Repair Damaged Environments
        [read more]

Friday, March 11

        Panel on Alumni Travel from the Cal Discoveries Program
        Title: Cal Adventures: A Case Study in Alumni Travel
        [read more]

Friday, March 18

        Colloquium featuring Margaret Byrne Swain
        (Professor Emerita, Women and Gender Studies, University of California, Davis)
        Title: Altruism & Pragmatism in Trans-Disciplinary Tourism Studies:
                Questions from Southwest China and Beyond
        [read more]

Friday, March 25

        Colloquium featuring Stéphane Gros
        (Social Anthropology, Centre for Himalayan Studies,
                Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
        Title: The Ambivalence of Heritage: Objectification, Commodification,
                and Loss of Cultural Resources (Yunnan, China)
        [read more]

Friday, April 8

        Colloquium featuring Athinodoros Chronis
        (Professor, Marketing, California State University, Stanislaus)
        Title: The Making of an Imperial City, Circa 2016
        [read more]

Friday, May 13

        Colloquium featuring Fei LI
        (Associate Professor, Literary Anthropology, Sichuan University, China)
        Title: In the Name of Zangyin (Tibetan Silver): Materiality and Identity in
                Ethnic Tourism of Contemporary China

        [read more]

This colloquium series is co-sponsored by the Graduate Assembly and the Townsend Center for the Humanities. For more information about this event, or about our ongoing colloquium series, write to


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