COLLOQUIA 2005-2006
TOURISM STUDIES WORKING GROUP COLLOQUIUM SERIES University of California, Berkeley 2005-2006 Calendar Friday, September 16 Prof. Regina Scheyvens (Geography, Massey University, New Zealand) Title: “Beach Fale Tourism in Samoa: The Value of Indigenous Ownership and Control Over Tourism.” Location: Townsend Center Seminar Room. Time: 3 PM Friday-Sunday, October 7-9 On Voyage: New Directions in Tourism Theory. International Conference. Program and Additional Information
Friday, December 2 Hanne Pico Larsen (PhD Candidate, Scandinavian, UC Berkeley) Title: “‘Solvang’ by Thomas Kinkade: Painting, Performativity, and the Dialectics of Tourism.” Location: Townsend Center Seminar Room. Time: 3 PM Tuesday, January 31 Prof. Irena Ateljevic (Sociospatial Analysis Group, Wageningen University, The Netherlands) Title: "Embodying Tourism Research: Gender Performance among Sani and Bai Women in Yunnan’s Ethnic Tourism.” Location: Faculty Lounge, Kroeber Hall. Time: 3 PM Friday, March 17 Prof. Rodrigo Grünewald (Visiting Scholar, Anthropology, UC Berkeley; Anthropology, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Brazil) Title: "Tourism and Indigenous Peoples in Brazil: Concepts and Prospects.” Location: Gifford Room, Kroeber Hall. Time: 4 PM Friday, April 28 Prof. Carlos Alberto Steil (Anthropology, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) Title: "Pilgrimage, Tourism, and New Age: ‘Routes of Santiago’ in Brazil.” Location: Gifford Room, Kroeber Hall. Time: 4 PM.