On Voyage: New Directions in Tourism Theory
October 7-9, 2005, Townsend Center for the Humanities
University of California, Berkeley

Organized by an interdisciplinary committee of faculty and graduate students, this conference aims to be a benchmark event for the study of tourism and travel, bringing together scholars from around the world. It will provide a forum to challenge the theoretical framework(s) of tourism studies, with the intention that interdisciplinary discussion fostered at such an event will give rise to new theorizations of tourism as an object of academic inquiry.

The format of the conference will emphasize conversations amongst participants - established scholars of tourism and an emergent generation of scholars - in hopes of strengthening connections between faculty members and graduate students across disciplines and universities. These discussions will also work through ideas about the transformation of tourism as practice, as well as build on the advancements of theory made in other fields (e.g., development, comparative literature, gender studies, anthropology). Key themes in the humanities and social sciences will serve as the main nodes that structure the conference.

We are pleased to announce that a keynote address titled, 'Staged Authenticity Today,' will be given by Dean MacCannell (Professor, Landscape Architecture, UC Davis, and author of The Tourist: A New Theory of the Leisure Class).

Please note there is no registration for this conference, and it is open to all members of the public.

Conference Schedule

October 7th, Friday
(Unless otherwise noted, all events will be held at the Townsend Center for the Humanities.)
    8:30-9:30am: Breakfast
    9:30-9:45am: Opening Remarks
    9:45-10:30am: Keynote Address, Dean MacCannell, 'Staged Authenticity Today'
    10:30-12:00noon: Opening Plenary Session, Shifts
    12:00-1:30pm: Lunch
      Panel 1A, Cultural Changes
      Panel 1B, Movements Inside Out
    3:30-4:00pm: Coffee Break
      Panel 2A, A New Leisure Class?
      Panel 2B, Collective Imaginaries
    6:00-7:30pm: Welcome Reception
    9:00-10:30pm: 'Global Villages' Film Screening

October 8th, Saturday
    9:00-10:00am: Breakfast
      Panel 3A, Performing Destinations
      Panel 3B, Agencies
    12:00-1:30pm: Lunch
      Panel 4A, Consuming Experience
      Panel 4B, Negotiating Difference
    3:30-4:00pm: Coffee Break
    4:00-6:00pm: Closing Plenary Session: Narrativity
    6:00pm-6:15pm: Closing Remarks
    6:30-8:00pm: Reception at University Press Books (2430 Bancroft Way)

October 9th, Sunday
    10:00am-12noon: Inaugural Meeting of National Tourism Studies Association (Location: 150 University Hall)
    2:00-3:30pm: Scharffenberger Chocolate Factory Tour (35 max, transportation provided)

Plenary Sessions

Opening Plenary Session, SHIFTS
    Cara Aitchison (The University of West England, Human Geography)
      'Tourism and the Social-Cultural Nexus of Gender Relations: A New Direction in Feminist and Gender Theory in Tourism Studies?'
    Nelson Graburn (UC Berkeley, Anthropology)
      'Inhabiting Simulacra: Authenticity and Enjoyment in Japan'
    Barbara Spackman (UC Berkeley, Italian Studies & Comparative Literature)
      'Detourism: Orienting Italy in Amalia Nizzoli's Memorie sull'Egitto'
    Susan Stonich (UC Santa Barbara, Environmental Studies, Anthropology, Geography)
      'A Political Ecology of Tourism'
    Robert Williams (UC Santa Barbara, Art History)
      'Touristic Subject/Aesthetic Subject'

Moderator: Nezar AlSayyad (UC Berkeley, Architecture & the Center for Middle Eastern Studies)

Closing Plenary Session, NARRATIVITY
    Edward Bruner (University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, Anthropology)
      'The Role of Narrative in Tourism'
    Sandra Cate(San Jose State University, Anthropology)
      'Stories, Silk, and Lao Textile Tourism'
    Chloe Chard (Newnham College, Cambridge University)
      'Travelling, Viewing, and Laughing: Tourism and Destabilization in Italy, c. 1750-1840'
    Graham Dann (University of Luton) & Giuli Liebman Parrinello (Universita di Roma Tre)
      'From Travelogue to Travelblog: (Re)negotiating Tourist Identity'
    Noel Salazar (University of Pennsylvania, Anthropology)
      'Seducation': Learning the Art of Telling Tourism Tales'

Moderator: Barbara Spackman (UC Berkeley, Italian Studies & Comparative Literature)


    Clare Fischer (Graduate Theological Union)
      'Remembering Paradise: Kuta's Life Passages'
    Dennison Nash (University of Connecticut, Anthropology)
      'Tourism as Acculturative Change'
    Regina Scheyvens (Massey University, Geography)
      'Exploring the Tourism-Poverty Nexus'
    Valene Smith (CSU-Chico, Anthropology)
      'Reinvigorating Old Theories, as Putting Old Wine in New Bottles'

Moderator: Nelson Graburn (UC Berkeley, Anthropology)

    Jenny Chio (UC Berkeley, Anthropology)
      'Are We There Yet?: Marc Auge', Non-Places, and Travel Spaces'
    Rami Daher (Jordan University of Science and Technology, Architecture)
      'Neoliberalism, Tourism, and Glocalization in the Middle East: 'Fantasy Cities and the Oriental Vision of the Occident'
    Sally Ness (UC Riverside, Dance & Anthropology)
      'Representations of Tourism in Yosemite: The Changing Nature of the Tourist Gaze'
    Mike Robinson (Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change, Sheffield Hallam University)
      'The World from My Room: Tourism and Intimacies of the Familiar'

Moderator: Robert Williams (UC Santa Barbara, Art History)

    Stephanie Hom Cary (UC Berkeley, Italian Studies)
      'Leisure's Labor Lost: Tourism as Ideology'
    Rob Fletcher (Pomona College, Anthropology)
      'The Call to Adventure: Exploring the Appeal of Adventure Ecotourism'
    Juliet Flower MacCannell (UC Irvine, English & Comparative Literature)
      'Tourist Identification'
    Scott McCabe (Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change, Sheffield Hallam University)
      'Tourism and Social Class Revisited: The Poverty of Tourist Experience and the Immateriality of Place?'

Moderator: Dean MacCannell (UC Davis, Landscape Architecture)

    Julia Harrison (Trent University, Anthropology)
      'Being Willingly Mobile'
    Louna Khirfan (University of Michigan, Urban & Regional Planning, Museum Studies)
      'The Traditional Home and Tourism Representation in Jordan'
    David Picard (Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change, Sheffield Hallam University)
      'The World and its Gardens: Rethinking the Cultural Economics of International Tourism'
    Maki Tanaka (UC Berkeley, Anthropology)
      'Mapping Old Havana'
    Wang Yu (Duke University, Anthropology)
      'The Production of Naxi Heritage: A Study of Homestay Tourism in Lijiang, China'

Moderator: Susan Stonich (UC Santa Barbara, Environmental Studies, Anthropology, Geography)

    David Crouch (University of Derby, Geography)
      'Journeys of Performance'
    Tamar Gordon (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Language, Literature, & Communication)
      'The Incidental Tourist: Creating Religious Subjects in the Polynesian Cultural Center'
    Shelley Hornstein (York University, Architecture)
      'Curating Place: Maps, Starchitecture, and Museums-Without-Borders'
    Blagovesta Momechidjikova (New York University, Performance Studies)
      'My Heart's in Small Lands: Touring the Miniature Metropolis in the Museum'

    Moderator: Clare Fischer (Graduate Theological Union)

    Marina Crouse (UC Berkeley, Hispanic Languages and Literatures)
      'Dwelling in the Space of Tourist: Agency and the [Im]Possibility of Transgression'
    Bertram Gordon (Mills College, History)
      'Gender Tourism and the Hollywood Film Industry'
    J. Philip Gruen (Washington State University, Architecture & Construction Management)
      'Travel Agency or Travelers' Agency? Tourism, Tourists, and the City'
    Teresa Holmes (York University, Anthropology)
      'Tourism and the Making of Ethnic Citizenship in Belize'
    Kaley Mason (University of Alberta, Music)
      'Touring Musicians from Kerala, South India: How Identity and Tourism Mutually Reconfigure Subalternity'

Moderator: Naomi Leite (UC Berkeley, Anthropology)

    Kathryn Besio (University of Hawai`i, Hilo, Geography)
      'In the Lady's Seat: Cosmopolitan Women Travelers in Pakistan'
    Genevieve Later (Thompson Rivers University, English and Modern Languages)
      'Cultural Narcissism as a Theoretical Framework for Contemporary Tourism'
    Joyce Yeh (National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan, Indigenous Cultures)
      'East Encounters West: Taiwanese Study Tourist Cultural Experiences of Englishness-as-Otherness'

Moderator: Juliet Flower MacCannell (UC Irvine, English & Comparative Literature)

    Vida Mia Garcia (Stanford University, Modern Thought and Literature)
      'Other(ed) Bodies & Tourism Studies'
    Tazim Jamal (Texas A&M University, Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences)
      'Bridging the Production-Consumption, Local-Global and Other Hyphens: an Integrated Approach to 'Tourism Studies'
    Peter Siegenthaler (Texas State University, History)
      'Municipal Planning and Heritage Tourism: Kanazawa's Search for Local Autonomy in the 1960s'
    Margaret Byrne Swain (UC Davis, Anthropology)
      'Personal Dialectics in Tourism Analysis'

Moderator: Cara Aitchison (The University of West England, Human Geography)


Major funding for this conference has been provided by:

The University of California Humanities Research Institute

Co-sponsored by:
The Doreen B. Townsend Center for the Humanities
Center for Middle Eastern Studies
Department of Anthropology
Institute for International Studies
Center for Southeast Asia Studies
Center for Latin American Studies
Program in Italian Studies
Department of Italian Studies
UC Berkeley Graduate Assembly

Please note that there is no registration fee, and that this conference is open to the public. For more information, please contact tourism@berkeley.edu

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