Photo courtesy of the Carroll Archive of Travel Photography in Berkeley, California.

Our activities are structured around colloquia on key themes in the humanities and social sciences as they relate to tourism (i.e., modernity, identity, heritage, globalization, gender, representation, and material culture).

At each colloquium, a working group member or guest speaker presents his or her research in relation to such broader themes, followed by a roundtable discussion, similar to a seminar. Emphasis is placed on providing ample time for discussion by all participants.
  Speakers may recommend a set of readings to provide background material for his or her presentation.

Through discussion and critique, these colloquia provide a valuable opportunity for graduate students, independent scholars, and faculty alike to engage in an exchange that enriches and broadens the scope of tourism studies, as well as produces tangible results in terms of refining participants' research.

Click here to proceed to our current Calendar of Events.


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U.C. Berkeley | v.1.0 | updated: 26 Jan 2010