COLLOQUIA 2018-2019


University of California, Berkeley
2018-2019 Calendar

Friday, April 26

        Mini Conference featuring Nicholas Shafer, Michael Nance, Kenneth Schoon
        (University of California, Berkeley)
        Title: Student Mini-Conference on Tourism, Pilgrimage and Identity in Israel/Palestine
        [read more]

Friday, April 19

        Colloquium featuring Yanshuo Zhang
        (Stanford University)
        Title: Re-imagining Ethnicity through Tourism Activities and Cultural Discourses:
                The Case of the Qiang People in China
        [read more]

Friday, April 12

        Colloquium featuring Lusha Sa
        (University of California, Berkeley)
        Title: Intercultural Communication in Tourism: Encounters, Exchanges,
                and Imaginaries
        [read more]

Friday, March 1

        Colloquium featuring Linda Boukhris
        (The IREST, University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne)
        Title: The Black Paris project: the production and reception of a
                counter-hegemonic tourism narrative in postcolonial Paris
        [read more]

Friday, February 15

        Colloquium featuring Nelson Graburn
        (Professor Emeritus, Anthropology, UC Berkeley
        Xiangchun Zheng
        (Department of Anthropology and Ethnology, Yunnan Minzu University)

        Title: The New and the Old: The Wine Tasting Landscape of China
                in the Global Encounter
        [read more]

Friday, February 1

        Colloquium featuring Nelson Graburn
        (Professor Emeritus, Anthropology, UC Berkeley
        Lusha Sa
        (Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley)

        Title: Minority Empowerment in Tourism and Heritage Research
                in Multicultural Nations - Comparisons with China
        [read more]

Tuesday, November 13

        Colloquium featuring Magdalena Banaszkiewicz
        (Assistant Professor, Institute of Intercultural Studies, Jagiellonian University
        Title: The Role of Stakeholders in the Reinterpretation of Dissonant Heritage
                of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone
        [read more]

Friday, October 26

        Colloquium featuring Scott MacLeod
        (Professor of Anthropology, World University and School - Online)
        Title: Harbin and Avatar Bots: Robotics and Tourism
        [read more]

Thurday, August 23

        2018-2019 Planning Meeting
        [read more]

Thursday, August 23

        Colloquium featuring Jaume Rossello-Nadal
        (Professor of Economics, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Majorca (Spain))
        Title: Evaluating the Effects of Climate Change on Tourism:
                Methods and Findings
        [read more]

This colloquium series is co-sponsored by the Graduate Assembly and the Townsend Center for the Humanities. For more information about this event, or about our ongoing colloquium series, write to


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