University of California, Berkeley
20012-2013 Calendar
September 7
Colloquium featuring Émilie Ruffin
(Land Planning and Regional Development Master)
Title: Cultural Tourism, Development and Local Government in Nunavik [read more]
September 28
Colloquium featuring Dean MacCannell
(Professor Emeritus, Landscape Architecture, UC Davis)
Title: Ego Trips Vesus Ethical Trips - The Pact Between Cultural Heritage and Tourism [read more]
November 2
Colloquium featuring Scott MacLeod
Title: Naked, Virtual Harbin: An Anthropology of Erotisme and the Touristic Imaginaire [read more]
November 9
Colloquium featuring Shelley Steward
(PhD Student, Sociology, UC Berkeley)
Title: Establishing 'King of the Mountain': 'Nature' as a Criterion of Distinction in a
Winter Resort Town [read more]
November 12 - [Note: event cancelled due to Academic Holiday Schedule]
Colloquium featuring Paula Mota Santos
(Universitidade do Porto)
November 30
Colloquium featuring Nelson Graburn and Elspeth Ready
(UC Berkeley and Stanford)
Title: Experiments in Inuit Tourism: The Eastern Canadian Arctic
This event is co-sponsored with the Canadian Studies Program, UC Berkeley [read more]
December 7
Colloquium featuring Lina Tegtmeyer
(Freie Universität, Berlin)
Title: Aesthetics of Failure as Success Narrative? The Image of "Detroit"
Between Urban Social Crisis and Iconic Post-Industrial Site [read more]
February 15
Colloquium featuring Nelson Graburn
(Professor Emeritus, Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley)
Title: "Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom": Ethnic Tourism in China:
Strategies and Outcomes
[read more]
March 1
Colloquium featuring Linda Boukhris
(PhD Student, Geography, University of Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne)
Title: National Imaginary and Tourist Imaginary: Homo Nationalis and Homo Turistica - Questioning the Imaginary Institution of Costa Rican
Society Following Its Tourist Turn
[read more]
March 11
Colloquium featuring Kevin James
(History of Tourism, University of Guelph)
Title: '[T]hose Sentimental Hotch-Potches of Maudlin Sentiment and
Racked Rhyme': Reading Responses to the Victorian Visitors' Book
[read more]
March 15
Colloquium featuring Dana Hercbergs
(Postdoctoral Fellow in Israel Studies,
History Department, American University, Washington, DC)
Title: Mobile Cartographies and Mobilized Ideologies: The Visual
Management of Jerusalem
[read more]
April 12
Colloquium featuring David Domoulin
(Sociologue, Université Paris 3 - Sorbonne)
Title: Field Biologists as the First and Ultimate (Eco) Tourists:
Selva Lacandona and Beyond
[read more]
April 26
Mini-Conference on Issues in Tourism and the Middle East Anna Al Ruhelli
(PhD Student, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, UC Berkeley) Miriam Aranoff
(MCP Candidate, City and Regional Planning, UC Berkeley) Amir Gohar
(PhD Student, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, UC Berkeley) Shahrzad Shirvani
(MS Student, Architecture, UC Berkeley)
[read more]
April 12
Colloquium featuring Li Chunxia
(Associate Professor, Sichuan University, China)
Title: Ancient Tower, Heritage Stories and Models of Understandings/Discourses
Xuefan Zhou
(PhD Candidate, Anthropology and Ethnology, Xiamen University, China)
Title: "Peasant Family Happiness" as a Leisure Activity - A Succesful Model Rebuilding Chinese Traditions and Communities
[read more]
This colloquium series is co-sponsored by the Graduate Assembly and the Townsend Center for the Humanities. For more information about this event, or about our ongoing colloquium series, write to