COLLOQUIA 2023-2024
2023-2024 Calendar
Friday, September 15
TSWG 2023-2024 Planning Meeting
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Friday, September 22
Colloquium featuring Nelson Graburn
Title: "From Tarktuk - the darkness (of the North) to Qaumajuk - the light
(of the Winnipeg Art Gallery): Transformations in Canadian Inuit Arts."
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Friday, October 20
Colloquium featuring Tami Blumenfield
Title: "We are All Mosuo": Creating Space and Producing Place at the
Museum of the Mosuo People
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Friday, October 27
Colloquium featuring Nilak Datta
Title: The Loss of the Frontier and the Start of the Touristic West: An Analysis of Theodore
Roosevelt’s Sight-Marking Strategies
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Friday, December 1
Colloquium featuring Nelson Graburn
Title: Wines for the Tourist Table: A Modest Proposal for Hinterland China
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Friday, December 8
Colloquium featuring Bill Newlin
Title: Before Baedeker: Travel Guidebooks to 1840
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Friday, December 15
Colloquium featuring Margaret-Ann Simonetta
Title: Harry Potter and the Wizarding Tourist
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Friday, February 9
Colloquium featuring Juliet Flower MacCannell
Title: A Tale of Two Cities
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Friday, February 23
Colloquium featuring Shaqfat Hussain
Title: The Shangrila Diaries
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Friday, March 8
Colloquium featuring Dean MacCannell
Title: An Authentic Urban Imaginary Against the Tourist Urban Imagery
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Friday, March 22
Colloquium featuring Chris Cristóbal Chan
Title: Archipelagic Avant-garde: Imaginations of Tourism, Art,
and Politics in the Matsu Islands
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Friday, April 5
Colloquium featuring Ellen Frankenstein
Title: Cruise Boom: A Community on the Cusp of Change
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Friday, April 12
Colloquium featuring Mei Zhang
Title: Putting Sustainable Travel to Practice
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Friday, April 19
Colloquium featuring Bertrand Réau
Title: Social and Cultural Differentiations in Children's Vacation Experiences:
Comparison France, USA, Canada and Switzerland
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This colloquium series is co-sponsored by the Graduate Assembly and the Townsend Center for the Humanities. For more information about this event, or about our ongoing colloquium series, write to